Content Provider Title Onboarding

               Overview of Timeline 6 to 10 weeks:
    • You provide Metadata and Cover Thumbnails for pre-sale
    • You provide Complete Assets (Content file, Art files, Metadata)
    • Assets passed to secure digital service for ingestion at AV
    • AV manufactures check disc
    • AV performs playability QC of disc
    • AV send check disc copy to customer for approval
    • AV announced title to AV retail sellers
    • Upon disc approval, AV activates title to manufacture prior to street  date
    • Titles begin to ship for Street date

1. Metadata Template. Download either Excel file to complete and email to your onboarding specialist.

Follow instructions and examples provided in the sheet as to how to complete the metadata template.

2. Read the Delivery Process & Specifications for Asset Delivery for DVD/Blu-ray. (Download or print)

3. Download AV Artwork Templates file. Open/extract ZIP file to conform your art elements to our template files including: 

 DVD Wrap Template PSD file  DVD  Label Template PSD file   DVD-R Logo EPS file
 Blu-Ray Wrap Template PSD file  Blu-Ray Disc All Color Logos PDF file   DVD-R Logo PDF file